Augustine Hills School’s Science program teaches students to view the world around them through the eyes of a scientist. Students learn to problem solve using the scientific method and to analyze results to determine if they have found a viable solution. Students explore how the world around them interacts and the impact those interactions have on their lives. Students are introduced to the diversity of life, the building blocks of life, and the forces at work in our world on daily life. Students also learn what mankind knows about the world beyond our planet. Through direct instruction, technology, and hands-on activities, students learn the vital role that science plays in their life.
This course is a preparation for advanced biological studies, biomedical nursing, and other science based careers. Laboratory experiences and text based activities provide student learning in the following topics: the major body systems; how the body systems work together to provide homeostasis; body functions in the healthy and diseased states; blood typing; muscle action; cranial nerve functioning; and bioethics.